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IT GRC Forum    Live Webcast!  

Best Practices to Prevent Data Breaches in 2016

* On this webcast you will be able to download the slides and related research reports. Register below for access

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Rebecca Herold

   Rebecca Herold        Discussion Moderator and CEO

Hank Thomas

       Hank Thomas           Principal/Director

Steve Scharlman

      Steve Schlarman         GRC IT Security Strategist

Albert Biketi

         Albert Biketi               VP & GM of Enterprise Data Security


Booz Allen Hamilton






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The IT GRC Forum is an online resource and networking platform for Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) Professionals. We produce educational events and provide market intelligence for our members, and it is our goal to help industry stakeholders, government regulators, and end-users better understand and manage the increasingly complex GRC landscape across their organization. Visit us at www.itgrcforum.com