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There is a new automated technology available now that is helping businesses combat identity theft and prevent fraud. It is called identity proofing and it is specifically designed to verify consumer identities online. With all the fraud prevention solutions available in the market today you are probably wondering, does my company really need to use an identity proofing solution?

With data breaches widespread, no organization can afford to be complacent, as most data losses are avoidable.
Download this white paper today to discover valuable information regarding:

The essential notion of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for IT security administration is establishing permissions based on the functional roles within the enterprise, and then assigning users to a role or set of roles.

NetCom's CCNA certification course teaches clients how to configure, install and maintain the following protocols:

Butler Group

Butler Group, June 2006, Pages: 360

Identity and Access Management (I&AM) is supported by a range of widely used and reasonably mature protection technologies, that when deployed correctly, enable organisations to operate efficiently in today's competitive and often difficult trading environments. The efficient management of identity and associated access control issues needs to be of pressing concern for all security-conscious organisations, irrespective of their size or business focus.

Data Monitor

Datamonitor, Nov 2008

This interactive model offers a comprehensive view of revenue opportunities in the global market for identity & access management products and services across key verticals and geographies. The model includes the revenue opportunities in a wide range of identity & access management products and their associated services, as well as product-independent services such as managed services.

Read this white paper for overview of identity verification, including what it can provide, how it authenticates a consumer's identity, and what to look for in a potential identity verification vendor.

Identity Theft is and has been a clear and present danger for consumers and businesses alike. Read this paper to learn how you can prevent identity theft through Identity Verification and how to protect your online business.






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