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March 19, 2015 - C24 Technologies, a world leader in financial services messaging and integration solutions, today announced the latest release of the C24 Integration ObjectsTM SWIFTNet FIN Standards Library, updated for SWIFT Standards MT Release 2015.

With this new version, C24 provides complete support for SWIFT Standards Release 2015 (SR 2015), including all SWIFT messages and validation rules, and uniquely provides a library of over 4,000 SWIFT test cases to speed project development. The financial services developer community can immediately download the product and fast-start reference implementations at to jumpstart their SWIFT 2015 projects.

There were over 200 changes to 73 of the SWIFT MTs this year that need to be implemented by thousands of financial institutions before November 22, 2015. On average, it can take six months per application to update if "hand-coding" message syntax and semantics. C24 customers have reported lowering their standards development costs by 50%, and delivering projects to market twice as fast using C24 Integration Objects.

To help firms assess the impact of SWIFT SR 2015, speed implementation and minimize IT disruption, C24 provides free online resources including the SWIFT message testing service at and the SWIFT SR 2015 Impact Reference Guide.

C24 Integration Objects (C24.iO) is a powerful standards-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and run-time that extends Java integration frameworks with data modeling, metadata management, message transformation and semantic validation for any data format.

C24 provides three packages to meet all integration demands no matter your project complexity or budget. The C24.iO Open Edition is a free "Open License" product that can be used to model any data structure and includes the popular FpML and ISO 20022 Repository messaging data models as C24.iO Standards Libraries.

C24.iO Professional Edition extends Open Edition with full support and optional C24.iO Standards Libraries such as SWIFT SR2015. C24.iO Standards Libraries are a wide rangetends Open Edition with full support and optional C24.iO Standards Libraries such as SWIFT SR2015. C24.iO Standards Libraries are a wide range of specialised and supported implementations of messaging standards including FpML, FIX and ISO 15022/20022 network utility variants such as SWIFT MT and MX Standards.

Appropriate for big data integration environments, C24.iO Enterprise Edition (C24.iO EE) extends the previous two product packages further by adding C24.iO Simple Data Object (SDO) code generation. The C24.iO EE SDO technology produces ultra efficient compacted binary codecs that reduce big data caching and compute grid infrastructure requirements and costs, while increasing performance.

"The SWIFT SR2015 update is a key service level commitment for our SWIFT customer base that provides huge productivity savings," said Wayne Meikle, Commercial Director, C24 Technologies.

Wayne Meikle continued to say, "The combination of long standing C24 support for complex standards such as SWIFT, coupled with the new C24.iO EE SDO binary codec technology provides a platform to solve big data ingestion challenges as well as address classic straight-through-processing (STP) efficiencies. This is exciting for C24, and for our existing and new customers."






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