December 5, 2011 - Deutsche Bank's deployment of cloud technology has been lauded as an example of best practice in enterprise computing by the Open Data Centre Alliance (ODCA).

The German bank picked up a $10,000 award after winning the ODCA's 'Conquering the Cloud Challenge', in which organisations were invited to submit examples of leading edge cloud computing deployments in the corporate data centre.

Deutsche Bank's entry Identity management in the new hybrid cloud described how the bank has extended its internal db Cloud environment to support an 'Infrastucture-as-a-Service' mechanism to provide developers across the bank with rapid access to virtual machines. The bank has incorporated identity management tools and cloud-based collaboration suites to offer virtualised environments that can be requested by individuals and teams and rapidly provisioned at a lower cost than any comparable environment.

Ravi Subramaniam, principal engineer at Intel Corporation and a member of the ODCA judging panel says: "Deutsche Bank's entry not only demonstrates true innovation, but also provides a clear and concise approach to deploy and measure cloud success. Most importantly, we feel these practices can be emulated by other organisations looking to implement effective cloud computing solutions."

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