Fishnet Security, one of the US most trusted information security organizations, is interested in discussing employment opportunities with ITGRC professionals throughout the US.
Specifically, Experience with the RSA Archer ITGRC platform would be ideal, but 10 years of well rounded information security (policies to solution implementation) and outstanding communication skills would also be considered.
If you are interested - Please forward CV / Resume to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
About FishNet Security
FishNet Security is the No. 1 provider of information security solutions that combine technology, services, support and training. Since 1996, the company has enabled clients to manage risk, meet compliance requirements and reduce costs while maximizing security effectiveness and operational efficiency. FishNet Security is committed to information security excellence and has a track record of delivering quality solutions to over 5,000 clients nationwide. For more information about FishNet Security, visit, and