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May 22, 2012 - The International Compliance Association (ICA) announces the launch of a brand new qualification: the ICA Advanced Certificate in Cyber Security.

Cybercrime is one of the fastest-growing criminal activities in the world and has surpassed illegal drug trafficking as a criminal money maker, costing businesses millions of pounds each year. Enhanced security precautions and increased awareness of the issues can help prevent cyber attacks. The ICA Advanced Certificate in Cyber Security has been developed to equip risk, compliance, anti money laundering and fraud prevention professionals with the knowledge they need to combat these sophisticated crimes.

Mark Johnson, Executive Chairman of the Risk Management Group, who has assisted ICA in the development of the course had this to say: “Cyber security is a top priority for business, governments and individuals worldwide yet few of us actually have more than the most rudimentary understanding of cyber threats and how to prevent them. This new qualification offers a best first step towards redressing this imbalance. The course will teach you everything you need to know about the fundamentals of cyber security: what motivates cyber criminals, what vulnerabilities they typically exploit, how risks manifest themselves in real life, their impact on organisations as well as on people, and what needs to be done to prevent or respond to technical attacks and exploits.”

The qualification is available worldwide however ICA is hosting some free briefing sessions in the UK where you can find out more about the new course.

Pekka Dare, Global Head of AML and Financial Crime Prevention at International Compliance Training (ICA’s training provider) said “There is an increasing demand for professional qualifications in the realms of financial crime prevention and related disciplines. It reflects the growing threats faced by firms today and the requirement for knowledgeable, skilled professionals in this area. ICA qualifications meet this need admirably as they are both academic and vocational. ICT works with ICA to ensure that the course content reflects the rapidly changing environment and equips practitioners with a tool-kit they can rely on”.






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