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May 1, 2013 - Reval has unveiled version 13.0 of its Treasury and Risk Management (TRM) solution for corporate clients. The upgrade now comes with advanced analytics and capabilities, which the vendor claims can enable treasuries to turn global information into actionable intelligence.

The updated Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) TRM solution will be able to more seamlessly receive liquidity plans from multiple subsidiaries anywhere in the world, says Reval, and flow them into central treasury, net their positions into a single currency and hedge any exposures.

For commodity hedgers whose exposures have a foreign exchange (FX) component to the physical settlement, the new version enables the import of commodity exposures as FX positions. In addition, the new version further supports Cash Flow at Risk (CFaR) for a portfolio of FX and commodity exposures by enabling corporates to define hedgeable exposures and prioritise hedge targets. This new CFaR optimization tool also provides actionable intelligence by recommending a hedging amount to treasury and other end users.

There is also a new Brazilian Market Interest Rate module in v13 of the product, which supports various interest rate conventions, a range of tax types for Brazil's Financial Transactions Tax (IOF) requirements, and PTAX settlements, among many other market standards.

In addition, Reval's hedge accounting module now supports amortisation of the financing element of off-market derivatives - a controversial use case under both the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) standards and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) rules, which is scrutinised by the 'big four' accounting firms.

"Treasuries need to see information globally while meeting market requirements locally, and that is not an easy accomplishment in a world of change and complexity," said Reval's chief technology officer (CTO) Philip Pettinato. "Reval is proud to be able to deliver the deep analytics and capabilities that companies are looking for in treasury technology."

According to Nigel Rayner of Gartner investments in business analytics, such as with the TRM solution, will be crucial to future business success. "Today, senior management expects analytics to provide a competitive advantage, under various scenarios or recommend next steps to improve financial performance," he explains in the consultancy's Q1 2013 study entitled 'Agenda Overview for Analytics, Business Intelligence and Performance Management'. The requirement for in-depth data mining and actionable business intelligence applies to treasurers as much as it does to other finance professionals.






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