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September 16, 2013 - C24 Technologies, a leader in financial services messaging and integration solutions, today announced the latest release of C24 Integration Objects Open Edition, a free, software data management tool for integrating financial standards, data formats and now the ISO 20022 Repository.

Available for immediate download, this new version provides data management teams and data architects graphical tools to create ISO 20022:2013-based common models and ISO 20022:2013-compliant schemas for their enterprise information architecture. The entire ISO 20022 Repository can be browsed, searched, and extended into internal reference data models. C24 Technologies is the first software vendor to provide a complete set of data management tools for simplifying ISO 20022 data integration.

Financial services firms spend significant time and money each year on data management, specifically normalizing data across diverse databases, packaged applications, financial networks, and partner and legacy systems. To improve this process as well as the quality of business information, enterprise data architects are embracing the ISO 20022 universal financial industry message scheme for B2B data exchange as it provides a single data standardization approach using a well-defined methodology, process and repository.

"Now that the ISO 20022 meta-model is available publicly as part of the ISO 20022:2013 edition, vendors serving the financial services community can embrace the opportunity to integrate the model into their products and tools," said Karla McKenna, Chair, ISO Technical Committee 68 Financial Services. "Going forward, we can expect that organizations would start using ISO 20022 as a basis for their business processes and transactions."

C24 Integration Objects (C24-iO) Open Edition is a free, standards-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and run-time that extends Java integration frameworks with data modelling, metadata management, message transformation and semantic validation for any data format including XML, CSV, Excel, Cobol and financial standards. As a model-driven, code-generating toolkit, C24-iO increases the productivity of the development team and eliminates inflexible and costly custom coding.

"We are pleased to offer to the data management community a free version of C24 Integration Objects with the ISO 20022 Repository," said Wayne Meikle, Commercial Director, C24 Technologies. "Firms will achieve significant operational efficiencies by standardising on ISO 20022-based business models using graphical, model-driven tools. Additionally, our service level guarantee of timely software updates simplifies deployment and management of future ISO 20022 business model changes."






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