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October 7, 2014 - OpenLink Financial LLC (OpenLink), the global leader in Transaction Lifecycle Management (TLM) software, and Raise Partner, a leading provider of trading risk management and robust decision analytics to the financial services industry, today announced a global strategic partnership providing portfolio analysis, performance measurement, optimization and rebalancing tools to OpenLink's financial services customers.

Access to timely, accurate and actionable portfolio information is critical to understanding exposure and risk. Performing complex portfolio analysis has become a critical requirement for asset management firms as they face a wave of new challenges, including analyzing historical risk while managing investor confidence amid a turbulent regulatory environment.

The new alliance combines Raise Partner's portfolio optimization with OpenLink's Findur front-to-back office solution for trading and risk management, providing straight-through processing and supporting the widest variety of asset classes in the industry. The partnership has resulted in a new joint customer, a pension fund in Mexico required to comply with new risk mandates governing portfolio management by the local regulator.

"A combination of new regulations and renewed drive to stabilize investor returns has increased the demand for robust portfolio optimization tools and methodologies among buy side firms worldwide," said Francois Oustry, Raise Partner CEO. "We are delighted to partner with OpenLink. This agreement is designed to integrate the Wall Risk engine, our risk and robust portfolio decision analytics, with OpenLink's award-winning technology."

"This new partnership provides our clients with access to world-class portfolio rebalancing tools that are crucial in the marketplace today," said Dr. Mark Greene, CEO, OpenLink. "The need for improved investment performance is more important than ever and is the driving force behind this new alliance. We are pleased to continue to extend the range of solutions and services that we offer our financial services customers."






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