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February 10, 2015Deutsche Börse Market Data + Services plans to introduce a strategic global regulatory reporting application for the energy market. The reporting solution will automate, and thereby facilitate, reporting of orders and trades on spot and derivatives markets as required under the EU Regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT), which will come into effect in 2015.

The REMIT reporting application is offered through the Impendium Platform, a scalable, secure and built-for-purpose cloud platform that handles the complete lifecycle of REMIT wholesale energy trade reporting from consumption of trade data to reporting to the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER).

"Our experience in the energy market spans more than a decade, offering solutions and services for running cleared and OTC, physical and derivatives marketplaces in the energy sector," said Caroline Davis, Head of Tools, Market Data + Services, Deutsche Börse. "Our strong regulatory knowhow will help our clients to fulfil new requirements under REMIT. The Impendium Platform enables clients to meet their reporting obligations quickly, simply and with no impact on existing trading infrastructure."

Deutsche Börse offers a wealth of regulatory solutions that enable users to be compliant with a range of European regulations. Currently, there are more than 1,800 existing global customers using Deutsche Börse for regulatory reporting. Of these customers, more than 450 use its MiFID and EMIR reporting capabilities. Deutsche Börse reporting exceeds 7,000,000 daily transactions for EMIR and 15,000,000 monthly for MiFID across multiple jurisdictions including AMF, FCA and BaFin.

The group's regulatory roadmap plans to support all major existing and new regulations, including REMIT, FinFrag, SFT, MAS, HKMA, STROM, MiFID II and Securities Financial Transactions, providing customers with a single global regulatory solution across multiple regulations and jurisdictions. It is also planned to support Dodd Frank reporting from July 2015.






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