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July 21, 2015 - This week sees the launch of a new service for regulated financial services firms. Arkk Compliance has already been working with a number of investment firms on COREP and AIFMD filings since a soft launch in April this year.

"The service is designed as a fixed fee solution that assists firms in their quarterly or annual filings. From talking to regulated firms we realised that often firms with a small back office team or overseas managers struggle to meet annual or quarterly deadlines for their filings due to lack of resource. Additionally when reporting to multiple European regulators each with their own nuances, the process becomes less straightforward and requires knowledge of each regulator's demands" explains Nick Baldwin who head up the team.

Arkk Compliance delivers the practical hands-on work to get a firm over the reporting deadline and ensure the data submitted is compliant. Specifically they offer a live filing service, hot and cold reviews and internal training on how to correctly populate regulators' templates.

One fund management client commented "The quarterly burden of filing to multiple regulators throughout Europe, who seem to change aspects of the standard ESMA templates at will, is a real hassle to keep up with. With Arkk Compliance we have been able to concentrate on getting the right data together and the letting Nick and his team tackle the template population and filing."

The service is designed to compliment firms' internal processes and take away the headache of the mechanics of filing data.

"With Arkk Compliance we want teams to be able to concentration their day to day roles and not have to sweat over often complex, infrequent filings to their regulator" says Baldwin.


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