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At the FCA’s Fighting Financial Crime conference in London on 10th November, Chief Executive Andrew Bailey highlighted the role of regulation in the battle against financial crime. Ray Pompon, Head of Information Security, North America and Asia, at Linedata, offers his thoughts:

Kaspersky Lab today released a report, Business Perception of IT Security: In the Face of an Inevitable Compromise, revealing the current state of security threats among businesses and how their perception of threats compares to the reality of cybersecurity incidents experienced over the past year, both in North America and worldwide. A top concern of North American businesses and a leading cause of successful cyberattacks in these organizations are also the most important asset: their employees.

Online shoppers want retailers to be transparent and honest if they have suffered a security breach, according to a new UK consumer survey commissioned by NTT Security, the global information security and risk management company. The research, ahead of one of the busiest online shopping periods in the lead up to Black Friday and Cyber Monday and Christmas, also reveals that customers want to know if a site has been hacked or personal data compromised.

Sberbank and Alfabank are among several Russian financial services firms to have been bombarded with DDoS attacks this week, according to internet security firm Kaspersky.

Bank of England officials will be sitting on the sidelines as 42 of the UK's most talented amateur cyber security enthusiasts lead the defence against a simulated computer attack on a fictional energy company.

IT spending by banking and securities firms in India will reach $7.8 billion dollars in 2017, an increase of 8.6 percent from 2016, according to Gartner, Inc.

Denmark's Nets has warned local banks and international card schemes of a data breach which may have compromised up to 100,000 credit cards.

Tripwire, Inc., a leading global provider of security and compliance solutions for enterprises and industrial organizations, today announced the results of an extensive Tripwire study conducted by Dimensional Research. The study was carried out in August and evaluated key challenges that organizations must address in order to optimize their cyber security and compliance programs. Study respondents included over 500 IT security professionals.


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