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The IT GRC Forum invites esteemed and successful professionals in executive-level compliance positions to write featured articles, submit press releases, upcoming events, and white papers. New articles on compliance are posted each week and made available on the site homepage, through our RSS feed and email digest, and through search engines. We are always looking for fresh content contributions for the IT GRC Forum. A post has the opportunity to get wide exposure to over 100,000 GRC professionals.

What Can You Write About?

The ideal submission will be well crafted and educational in nature to stimulate dialogue, broadly addressing IT compliance topics, or narrowly focused on particular aspects of IT compliance.

  • User Case Studies - best practices, real-world examples, analysis, tutorials, perspectives and opinions are all acceptable.
  • Technical – These articles should include detailed instructions, how-to’s, tutorials and getting started or guides to a specific security technology, framework or concept.
  • Career – All kinds of security career topics that would appeal to: employees, managers, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and students.
  • Events – Post your upcoming events and webinars to raise awareness with the GRC community.
  • Marketing Yourself – Blogging, personal branding, speaking, networking, using social networks, podcasting. These articles should teach how to sell themselves to others, either through their current position or as a freelancer and/or entrepreneur.
  • Productivity – System, hacks, learning, etc. These articles should give IT security professionals the tools to accelerate their processes and put their best work (and selves) out to the world.
  • Products – Software, hardware, services, gadgets, reviews, recommendations. These articles should include detailed specifications and information that will advise our readers all the good, bad, and ugly about the product.
  • Research reports and White Papers - Thought leadership, best practices, real-world examples, analysis, tutorials, perspectives and opinions are all acceptable.

Content Standards

Whenever you make use of a feature that allows you to upload or submit material to our site, or to make contact with other users of our site, you must comply with the content standards set out below. You warrant that any such contribution does comply with those standards, and you indemnify us for any breach of that warranty. Authors must ensure that references to named people and/or organisations are accurate, not racist or sexist and without libellous implications. These standards apply to each part of any contribution as well as to its whole: Be accurate (where they state facts). Be relevant. Be genuinely held (where they state opinions). Be original to you. Comply with applicable law in the USA and in any country from which they are posted.

Contributions must not: Be obscene, offensive, hateful, threatening, racially offensive, inflammatory, incite violence or contain sexually explicit material. Advocate, promote or assist any illegal activity of any kind. Be defamatory of any person or violate another person's privacy rights or otherwise contain unlawful materialInfringe any copyright, database right or trade mark of any other person or party. Be made in breach of any legal duty owed to a third party, such as a contractual duty or a duty of confidence. Be used to impersonate any person, or to misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person. Give the impression that they emanate or are endorsed by us, if this is not the case. Constitute spamming, advertising or promotion of goods or services.

Additional Content Requirements

  • Length of the post should not exceed 1,000 words
  • Any submitted images need to be rights free or author has the rights to post the image. Images cannot exceed 1MB in file size
  • Posts will be featured on the homepage banner, and latest news/events/research section for one month
  • Posts will reside on the site and can be accessed based on their tags/categories or search
  • Content is subject to approval by the IT GRC Forum. We reserve the right to reject posts for any reason
  • Content will typically be posted within 48 hours

The Submission and Editing Process

The IT GRC Forum publishes only the most well written and relevant articles into its compliance knowledge transfer forum. Each article is carefully reviewed by our editorial board to ensure the overall quality for both authors and and readers. We strive to represent balanced perspectives on topics of interest to the GRC community. After your article is approved, the publishing process can take anywhere from 1-7 days from your initial submission, and may involve your active participation in rewrites and revisions.

How To Submit an Article

To submit your content on the IT GRC Forum use the form below, or alternatively send your article to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll be in touch about getting your content published on the site! If you have any questions, you can email us.

Processing Charges

We charge a flat processing fee of $150 per submission of sponsored content. Block-booking discounts are also available (see below).


Submit Your Content (Press Release, Event, or White Paper) Below...



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