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Ccombat Fraud and Protect Your Bottom Line

Fraud in the insurance industry is nothing new; however, the growth of both telephone and Web-based sales channels provides fraudsters with greater opportunity to take advantage of insurance companies.


Many organisations' governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) practices have not changed for years. The result is organisations are struggling to keep up with the complex regulatory environment and meet external stakeholders' expectations. Many organisations, no matter what sector they trade in are seeking to become more flexible and profitable while increasing internal controls and reducing risk. These objectives appear to be contradictory, but one way large organisations can unite them is by improving their approach to GRC.

Chase Paymentech

For businesses that accept recurring payments, customer relationships last well beyond a single transaction. For these merchants and billers, it's critical to utilize payment tools that can minimize billing disruptions and maintain service continuity. This can reduce processing costs, maximize revenues, and strengthen customer satisfaction.

2011 PS Report

Managing payment security is an ongoing challenge for organizations. To help businesses understand management trends and practices among peer groups, CyberSource and Trustwave, in partnership with the Merchant Risk Council (MRC), commissioned the Payment Security Practices and Trends Survey. The report summarizes the findings and provides insights and industry benchmarks, as well as industry trends.

On January 1, 2011 the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) version 2.0 took effect. The new requirements represent a daunting task when it comes to improving an organization's existing security policies to include virtualized environments, policy governance, risk remediation, and 100% asset coverage.


One of the biggest sources of information risk companies face today is collaboration with externals. New tools have made document collaboration much easier and more accessible, but how does business take advantage of the benefits of online document collaboration tools, while avoiding the compromise of confidentiality of critical business information?

The Protegrity Data Security Platform design is based on a hub and spoke deployment architecture. The Enterprise Security Administrator (ESA) enables the authorized Security Officer to determine and set a unique enterprise wide Data Security Policy, and is the management tool (console) for the central control over policy, keys, and reporting.

Protegrity has invented a new tokenization technology that simplifies and dramatically lowers the cost of deploying this mode of data protection. Tokens are cost effective because they don't require security controls for protection – they're not sensitive data, they only represent that data. Yet tokens are transparent to most applications and business processes.

Details how organizations can reduce PCI DSS scope and lower costs, by leveraging Intel® Expressway Tokenization Broker to manage Primary Account Number (PAN) data. Tokenization Broker is offered in conjunction with our industry-leading Intel® Expressway Service Gateway.


Businesses today are under increased pressure to cut costs, optimize performance, and reduce risk. The need to meet these challenges is particularly apparent in the area of regulatory compliance. Historically, businesses responded to emerging regulatory requirements by assigning a dedicated team to handle every new mandate, each with its own specific team, mission, and project scope. But as regulations continue to proliferate and evolve, this approach is directly at odds with business requirements to improve performance, reduce costs, and more effectively manage risk. But what is the alternative, given the amount of effort required to manage compliance in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex regulatory landscape?

Organizations that process credit card information are confronted with the issue of PCI DSS "scope", which refers to all components of a computing network that directly or indirectly handle card data. These network components are a primary focus of PCI DSS regulation, compliance, and assessment.


Regulatory compliance is dynamic, costly, and checking the box is no longer an option. Compliance mandates are global and require exposure by law when breaches do occur. However, many organizations do not tie risk management and compliance together. In fact, every day organizations make countless business decisions aimed to boost organizational performance. Unfortunately, most of these decisions are made without knowing the real tradeoffs against risk exposure.

The QSA Tokenization Broker Assessors Guide describes how Intel® Expressway Tokenization Broker specifically addresses more than 200 PCI DSS requirements. This document was written and edited by actual PCI Compliance Assessors.


As computer software has become the backbone of modern civilization, organized cyber criminals, state sponsored cyber attackers, and terrorist organizations try to exploit design flaws and weaknesses in the applications in order to generate revenue and carry out criminal activities. The growing number of cyber attacks has become one of the most serious economic and national security threats our nation faces.






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