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Understand PCI DSS 4.0 standards, enhance software supply chain security, and ensure data privacy with Sonatype.

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PCI DSS v4.0 introduced the concept of targeted risk analysis (TRA) and includes two different types of TRAs. A description of each, answers to frequently asked questions, and a table that lists the PCI DSS requirements that specify completion of TRAs to define how frequently to perform an activity are provided in this document.

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This document was developed to help merchants and service providers understand the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs). To understand the SAQs, which strategies your organization can use to facilitate the completion of a PCI DSS SAQ, and which SAQ your organization is eligible to complete, we recommend that you review this Instructions and Guidelines document in its entirety.

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The PCI SSC covers 15 different PCI security standards and specifies where they apply to the payment process. For the topic of PCI DSS 4.0 pillar 2 and 4 stand out specifically as a driving factor for this new standard and its requirements. All organizations that are covered by PCI DSS 4.0 must comply with the new standards by March 31, 2024. A new addition to the standard as compared to the 3.x one is the inclusion of APIs. (The changes between v3.2.1 and 4.0 are outlined in this white paper.

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Understanding the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard version 4.0.

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A comprehensive checklist

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In this best practices guide, we’ll cover some of the practical steps organizations can take to accelerate the shift towards PCI DSS v4.0—critical security control themes to consider and solutions in the existing security stack that can help with the transition.

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Organizations today operate in a challenging business environment. Their workforce is constantly changing and the business processes the workforce performs are distributed across an increasing number of applications. The average worker today uses over nine applications. Ensuring these workers don’t do anything that could have a negative financial impact on the organization is no easy task.






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