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February 23, 2016 - Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, today released the latest findings of the Breach Level Index, revealing that 1,673 data breaches led to 707 million data records being compromised worldwide during 2015.

February 23, 2016 - New research published today by Dimension Data reveals that technology has failed to improve the competitive positioning of global organisations. This is one of the key findings in their 2016 Connected Enterprise Report.

February 22, 2016 - Banks which adopt a Governance, Finance, Risk and Compliance (GFRC) approach to their business are able to operate more cohesively by reinforcing the connective tissue that binds critical functions together. That's according to a new white paper from Wolters Kluwer that shows how GFRC encompasses all sources of risk, financial and non-financial alike, providing a foundation for processing and interpreting data in a more holistic way.

February 22, 2016 - Multinational survey of 8,000 consumers reveals that erosion in trust impacts the potential for mobile services personalization.

February 18, 2016 - BioCatch, a global leader in Behavioral Authentication and Malware Detection, announced today that its behavioral authentication platform is the first to successfully detect Remote Access and RAT-in-the-Mobile (RitM) malware, in real time.

February 17, 2016 - Heartland Payment Systems (NYSE: HPY), one of the nation's largest payment processors, today announced it has worked with the Smart Card Alliance to launch the National Center for Advanced Payments and Identity Security, a new training facility hosted by the Alliance.

February 17, 2016 - Capco, the global business and technology consultancy dedicated solely to the financial services industry, today announced the findings of "What Makes Utilities Useful," a global survey of senior banking executives' attitudes towards adoption of a utilities-style approach.

February 11, 2016 - MetricStream, an industry leader in Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) Apps and Solutions announced today that the Aboitiz Group is using the MetricStream Internal Audit Management App to streamline, standardize, and automate their audit processes. Deployed over the MetricStream GRC Cloud, the App offers a single point of reference to manage and track a wide range of internal audit activities. The App cuts across organizational siloes, strengthening visibility into audit data, while enabling auditors to easily collaborate and share information.






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