March 23, 2015 - The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Defra, is enduring a series of embarrassing headlines after its £154 million system to process farmers' EU subsidy payments has been largely abandoned following a number of problems with its online interface.
March 23, 2015 - Corporate banks, a majority of which are plagued by declining economic profit, must take bold steps to adapt their business models or potentially suffer prolonged, painful periods of underperformance, according to a new report by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG).
March 20, 2015 - A bipartisan group of US House of Representatives members have formed a caucus to investigate payment technologies.
March 20, 2015 - IBM Security and the Ponemon Institute today announced research unveiling an alarming state of mobile insecurity. The findings show nearly 40 percent of large companies, including many in the Fortune 500, aren't taking the right precautions to secure the mobile apps they build for customers. The study also found organizations are poorly protecting their corporate and BYOD mobile devices against cyber-attacks – opening the door for hackers to easily access user, corporate and customer data.
March 19, 2015 - C24 Technologies, a world leader in financial services messaging and integration solutions, today announced the latest release of the C24 Integration ObjectsTM SWIFTNet FIN Standards Library, updated for SWIFT Standards MT Release 2015.
March 17, 2015 - New independent research commissioned by SWIFT reveals that regulation, automation and financial crime compliance initiatives are top priorities for the investment management community in 2015.
March 16, 2015 - AxiomSL, a global provider of regulatory reporting and risk management solutions, announced today that Julius Baer, the leading Swiss private banking group, has chosen AxiomSL's strategic platform to automate its group-level and Swiss entity Basel III calculations and reporting, as well as its group-level and Swiss entity statistical reporting. This expands on Julius Baer's ongoing use of AxiomSL for financial reporting in Hong Kong and Singapore.
March 16, 2015 - MIK Fund Solutions, a leading provider of decision support and workflow software solutions for alternative asset managers, today announced that it now delivers a unique tool which expands the functions of its Security Master application to include reference data management (RDM).