July 18, 2014 - A survey amongst 250 IT security professionals, conducted during this year's Infosecurity Europe show, has revealed that 20% of organisations believe malicious insiders pose the biggest threat to their security. A further 44% suggest employee's ignorance could also cause defences to crumble. Hardly surprising, then, that this audience firmly pointed the finger at 'people' (70%) as the most frequent point of failure in an organisation's IT security, with 20% citing processes and just 9% at technology.
July 17, 2014 - A top US Treasury official has called on the financial services sector to step up its efforts to protect consumer privacy and critical infrastructures from the threat of cyber attacks.
July 17, 2014 - Today, Bloomberg announced it has joined the salesforce.com Partner Program to bring cloud-based enterprise information archiving to Salesforce1 for Financial Services.
July 15, 2014 - INFORM, the leading fraud prevention and risk management software provider, announces Rabobank Group, one of the world's leading financial institutions has signed a full site RiskShield license to conduct transaction monitoring and fraud prevention across its business units and international network.
July 15, 2014 - Actian Corporation ("Actian") today announced the general availability of the Actian Analytics Platform – Hadoop SQL Edition. Debuted at last month's Hadoop Summit, the Actian Analytics Platform – Hadoop SQL Edition, is the highest performing, industrial grade, fully compliant SQL in Hadoop offering on the market today.
July 15, 2014 - Inform, the leading fraud prevention and risk management software provider, announces Rabobank Group, one of the world's leading financial institutions has signed a full site RiskShield license to conduct transaction monitoring and fraud prevention across its business units and international network.
July 14, 2014 - SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced the launch of its Legal Rule Set Service for fund managers – initially for Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland.
July 11, 2014 - Authorities around the world, led by the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA), have banded together to tackle the Shylock banking malware.