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March 19, 2014 - According to the 2014 Internal Audit Capabilities and Needs Survey Report released today by global consulting firm Protiviti, Internal auditors' priorities are to better navigate social media risks, leverage technology to improve the audit process, and collaborate more with business partners to address organizational risks.

March 10, 2014 - The adoption of managed security services in the Asia Pacific region is set to grow rapidly in the coming years, as companies operating in the region are beginning to outsource a number of security responsibilities and take advantage of the cost savings and other benefits this approach can provide.

February 26, 2014 - Serisys Solutions Ltd., the Asian leader in transforming financial markets with technology solutions, today launched ADYPT, a radically innovative trade processing solution that addresses the top concerns of middle and back office professionals.

February 5, 2014 - Wolters Kluwer Audit, Risk & Compliance announced today that its TeamMate audit management system is now available through the U.K. governement's G-Cloud program. The G-Cloud or CloudStore is the online resource for U.K. government agencies to shop for and select online technology solutions.

January 27, 2014 - Thomson Reuters announced today that it has launched a new suite of capabilities to help financial institutions improve transparency and reporting around financial benchmark submissions and other price sensitive data. These capabilities allow firms to better manage the entire benchmark submissions workflow; from the pre-submission requirements of controlling who in their firm is publishing contributed data, to the post-submission compliance activities of surveillance, audit and reporting.

September 18, 2013 Tripwire, Inc., a global provider of risk based security and compliance management solutions, today announced Configuration Compliance Manager™ (CCM) Version 5.15. The new release audits patch management processes, is Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) version 1.2 compliant and validation ready, and adds a variety of new configuration auditing policies that dramatically extends network visibility.

September 4, 2013 - Options, global provider of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) products to the financial services sector, has chosen data permission and auditing solutions from Varonis to protect its clients.

July 19, 2013 - Internal audit practitioners globally are bearing the brunt of a quickly changing regulatory landscape, particularly in financial services, according to a new survey by Thomson Reuters.






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