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Recorded:    October 21 | 2021      Watch

As organizations have increased their scope of vendors and partners, they have also increased their digital risk surface and are facing new challenges regarding vendor risk management. By taking a data-driven approach to identifying, understanding, and acting on risk, you can efficiently eliminate your organization's most critical third-party security gaps.


Recorded:    September 23 | 2021      Watch

We are all in the risk business. No risk, no business. The biggest risk points are usually where the biggest opportunities lie to better meet your strategic objectives, enable and drive growth, improve reputation management and confidence in decision-making — and face fewer surprises.


Recorded:    August 26 | 2021      Watch

Data breaches are one of the world’s biggest cybersecurity threats for organizations of all sizes. A recent survey conducted by the Ponemon Institute revealed that 59% of organizations have experienced one or more data breaches caused by a third party, costing an average of $7.5 million to remediate. Incorporating current threat intelligence is critical to building and maintaining an effective third-party risk program.


Recorded:    June 24 | 2021      Watch

Traditional Vendor Risk Management tactics are inadequate for understanding the cybersecurity posture of your vendor ecosystem. Your organization should also make sure that your program is efficient in its processes and works to enable business, mitigate risk, ensure compliance and that it fits into your organization’s overall structure. Whatever your company size and regardless of the number of vendors you have, creating efficiencies across your vendor risk management program isn’t just helpful—it’s critical if you want to properly assess the security posture of your vendors.


Recorded:    April 29 | 2021      Attend

Procurement, IT, and Compliance leaders struggle to manage today’s complex regulatory environment, expansive supply chains, and compliance burdens. Difficulties increase as organizations subject themselves to additional risk by involving more third parties—suppliers, sales agents, and even charities—as regulations grow ever-more complex.


Recorded:    March 25 | 2021      Attend

Cyber-risk management has been forever changed by COVID-19. From the sudden and exponential growth of the remote workforce to the increase in cyber threats that exploit the expanding attack surface, the pandemic has created new challenges which require new strategies for effectively managing cyber risk. This paradigm shift has accelerated the demand for efficiency and forced a new mindset for risk and compliance teams who are relying on automation technologies like never before.


Recorded:    January 28 | 2021      Watch Now

Last year, 59% of companies experienced a third-party data breach, and current global uncertainty is a reminder of the increasing complexity of managing third-party risk. Balancing the risks and benefits of using third parties to deliver business services has always been key and during a crisis, the risks can be significantly heightened.


Recorded:    September 24 | 2020      Attend

Third-party risk management (TPRM) programs are designed to offload that risk, but the current approach isn’t providing the intended results. According to the Ponemon Institute, nearly 61% of U.S. companies have experienced a data breach caused by a third party.


MetricStream TPRM




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