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January 27, 2015 - Only 23% of UK decision-makers closely align business strategy to data already held by their organisation according to new research commissioned by Rosslyn Analytics, a leading global data technology company. The research also reveals that less than half (44%) of business leaders thought that data was considered a strategic asset, suggesting there is still some way to go for the importance of data to achieve widespread recognition.

January 27, 2015 - The European Payments Council (EPC), representing the European banking industry in relation to payments, today published a further iteration of the SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) Rulebooks, i.e. the SDD Core Rulebook version 9.0 and the SDD Business to Business (B2B) Rulebook version 7.0.The SDD Core Rulebook version 9.0, the SDD B2B Rulebook version 7.0 and associated implementation guidelines will take effect on 20 November 2016.

January 27, 2015 - Biometrics in mobile payments, banking, and a host of other mobiles services and applications are poised to transform and accelerate the globalization of mCommerce. The latest research from Acuity Market Intelligence reveals a mobile biometric marketplace more complex, broadly based, and growing faster than previous forecasts indicate.

January 26, 2015 - Global transformation and smart data are terms bandied about in the same breath the world over. With wide-ranging implications across sectors, industries such as banking, retail and services, to name only a few, are no strangers to this trend. Take telecom, for instance. The rapid march of technology is fuelling increase in digital connectivity, networked services and most of all, segmented and well-targeted products and services.

January 26, 2015 - With the explosion of payment-card data breaches last year, Experian Data Breach Resolution has enhanced its award-winning active fraud surveillance and identity theft resolution product, Experian's ProtectMyID®, by collaborating with BillGuard, a leading card fraud monitoring mobile application.

January 26, 2015 - Avaloq Sourcing Asia Pacific, a wholly owned subsidiary of Avaloq group, announces the recruitment of Andre Di Prospero as Head of Risk & Compliance and Matthew Thoms as Head of Technology at their Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) centre in Singapore.

January 23, 2015 - Britains banks must do more to protect themselves from cyber attacks, says the Bank of England, following an analysis of the perimeter defences and operational resilience of 36 of the nation's top financial service providers.

January 23, 2015 - With only nine months to go until the US EMV migration deadline, more than half of retailers are not ready for the switch, according to a survey from ACI Worldwide.


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