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December 7, 2011 - Each year the federal government spends billions of dollars on information technology (IT) investments. Given the importance of program oversight, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) established a public website, referred to as the IT Dashboard, that provides detailed information on about 800 federal IT investments, including assessments of actual performance against cost and schedule targets (referred to as ratings).

December 6, 2011 - UK firms are expected to have invested up to £3 billion in IT security by the end of the year, new research has shown. A study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) revealed that the global investment in cyber security is expected to increase by ten per cent every year over the next three to five years.

December 5, 2011 - OTC clearing reform will not reduce systemic risk, according to 50% of market participants surveyed at a recent industry debate. Nevertheless, 79% have identified the need for collateral optimisation within their organisations, driven by regulatory changes on the horizon.

December 5, 2011 - OTC clearing reform will not reduce systemic risk, according to 50% of market participants surveyed at a recent industry debate. Nevertheless, 79% have identified the need for collateral optimisation within their organisations, driven by regulatory changes on the horizon.

December 5, 2011 - Deutsche Bank's deployment of cloud technology has been lauded as an example of best practice in enterprise computing by the Open Data Centre Alliance (ODCA).

December 5, 2011 - Deutsche Bank's deployment of cloud technology has been lauded as an example of best practice in enterprise computing by the Open Data Centre Alliance (ODCA).

December 1, 2011 - Linedata (NYSE Euronext: LIN), the global solutions provider dedicated to the investment management and credit industries, today announced the results of its Annual Global Investment Management Survey. Key findings include the recognition of regulation as a present and future challenge; a clear move towards cloud computing and hosted environments; plus risk and trading systems as top IT priorities. Despite a small number of downbeat pronouncements, the majority predicted market growth in 2012.

December 1, 2011 - Linedata (NYSE Euronext: LIN), the global solutions provider dedicated to the investment management and credit industries, today announced the results of its Annual Global Investment Management Survey. Key findings include the recognition of regulation as a present and future challenge; a clear move towards cloud computing and hosted environments; plus risk and trading systems as top IT priorities. Despite a small number of downbeat pronouncements, the majority predicted market growth in 2012.


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