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Source: European Central Bank

The European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) today published a joint report on the impact of climate change on the European Union (EU) financial system.

In its Fall 2023 Semiannual Risk Perspective, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) emphasizes the importance of adaptive risk management strategies for financial institutions. The report covers key risk themes, highlighting the need for vigilance despite the overall robustness of the federal banking system.

Source: Acadia

Acadia, a leading industry provider of integrated risk management services for the derivatives community, today offers its thoughts on the European Banking Authority (EBA) publishing its finalized Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Initial Margin Model Validation.

FCA head Nikhil Rathi has called on banks to increase their expenditure in order to counter the surge in AI and the menace of 'deep fake' fraud.

HSBC recently unveiled a new global Index that utilizes advanced technology to assess a company's ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) credentials and its potential for positive financial outcomes. Developed by Arabesque AI and powered by ESG Book's data, this Index aims to monitor the performance of over 1,000 globally traded company stocks that are expected to experience financial gains through enhancing their ESG risk.

Source: LexisNexis Risk Solutions

LexisNexis Risk Solutions today released the results of its annual Cybercrime Report, an analysis of data from 79.8 billion transactions processed through its LexisNexis Digital Identity Network throughout 2022.

US President Joe Biden met with CEOs of several leading tech firms to discuss the dangers of rapid artificial intelligence (AI) adoption.

Source: Themis

Themis has announced the release of its innovative supply chain risk assessment tool, which allows companies to map out high risk geographies and sectors and possible touch points from financial crimes including modern slavery and human trafficking, drugs, wildlife and arms and trafficking, bribery and corruption, fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing.






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