Dentegra now leverages a hybrid cloud approach across several key applications that support claims processing and other key business processes. In concert with AWS, Delphix brings dramatically greater scalability and speed to development: Within 24 hours, Dentegra can determine requirements, marshal the necessary data and then compute resources to execute against those requirements for a new application project.
A Comprehensive Guide to Protecting Your Organization from This Growing Threat
Privacy of personal information has always been seen as a fundamental right by the citizens of the European Union (EU). However, this right is one that is constantly challenged by ongoing technological developments and international business practices, particularly with more personal information being stored and transmitted electronically. In response, the EU passed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which was adopted on April 27, 2016, and will become enforceable on May 25, 2018.
Companies increasingly rely on third-party vendors to meet their operational needs. Yet, managing the data risks in an outsourced world has become a major challenge for security, compliance, procurement legal and executive management.
Strengthen Your Defenses Against Cybercrime.
On the day in 2015 when A.J. Murray, the United States IT Manager for Hayward Tyler Group PLC, realized that cyber thieves had hijacked a large amount of important data using a variant of the Cryptolocker ransomware, he understood immediately that the potential downside was enormous. The data seized and encrypted was critical to ongoing day-to-day business.
Ransomware is a malware variant that locks an end user’s computer or encrypts their files, then demands a sum of money to allow access or decryption. What’s worse, if an organization hands over the cash, there are often times when the attacker doesn’t play nice and still withholds the key even after payment.
As CISOs scramble to protect IT infrastructures whose boundaries are increasingly fluid due to the adoption of mobility, cloud computing, IoT and other new technologies, the Qualys Guide to Automating CIS 20 Critical Security Controls provides a helpful in-depth assessment and validation of all controls and related technologies to ensure that they are in place, properly configured, and free from vulnerabilities.