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Organizations are investing in digital technologies to drive business into the future. This also means they’re increasingly reliant on third-party vendors for outsourced services and solutions—expanding their attack surface and introducing more risk.

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If your company employs third parties, then the responsibility falls to you and your employees to manage the risk they bring. But how do you go about designing and implementing your third-party risk management program for maximum effectiveness?

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Today’s access controls are usually enforced at the application level which means each access-control regimen is effectively “siloed” – one can’t “see” the other. It’s challenging enough to manage access within a single application. Managing that kind of access across all enterprise applications, across thousands of users, and across multiple business processes - the scale of complexity skyrockets. And adding to that complexity is that these applications may be on premise or in the cloud.

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API security is increasingly difficult for enterprise security teams to tackle. APIs are spreading fast and are a tempting target for cyberattacks. Learn about the challenges overwhelming security teams today that can be overcome with an intelligent API security solution.

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Identify your risks to jump-start an A-class risk mitigation program.

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You’re reading this because you’re interested in buying a GRC platform. You don’t want to make the wrong decision. You plan to dig, learn and go into it with both eyes wide open. Our GRC Buyer’s Guide was designed with you in mind.

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Almost daily, new APIs with highly diverse sets of clients are introduced onto enterprise networks. The unique—and often high-volume traffic flows—of these APIs makes identifying malicious behavior a highly complex task. This isn’t a suitable task for existing security solutions using attack signatures or access control policies. As APIs continue to drive digital transformation efforts in the enterprise and support innovative customer experiences, securing them has never been more important.

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This white paper includes data from an in-depth survey of North American organizations with regard to their plans for GDPR and CCPA compliance. The paper was sponsored by Netwrix; information about the company is provided at the end of the paper.

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Improve Cyber Resilience and Compliance with Identity-aware APIs, Deep API Visibility and AI-powered Threat Detection.

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The ten things you should do to ensure business application users don't commit fraud or jeopardize sensitive data.

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MoveThis white paper proposes best practices for customer and enterprise deployments of step-up MFA. It explores a risk based approach that combines dynamic step-up authentication with passive contextual mechanisms, such as geolocation and time of day.

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Privileged access remains the preferred vector for attackers, and most organizations aren’t taking the very basic steps to secure it

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Multi-factor authentication (MFA) can greatly enhance security while delivering a positive user experience.

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Despite the growing number of security breaches and a greater understanding of the security best practices, businesses are still falling short when it comes to password management and authentication practices.


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