To identify vendors for consideration, you can consult industry organizations, trade publications and peers. You’ll also gain third-party expert insights from leading analysts like Gartner, Forrester and KuppingerCole. Each regularly reports on MFA trends, technologies and solution providers.
Data breaches continue to be top of mind for organizations large and small. Three key dynamics are making that challenge much harder — the cloud, the growing sophistication of attackers, and dramatic growth in outsourced services.
Relying solely on username and password security puts enterprise data at risk. Catastrophic security breaches top world headlines every day, and for good reason. IT organizations can’t rely exclusively on passwords to protect access to corporate data.
To get customer MFA right, you need to make implementation choices that ensure both customer experience and security are optimized for various use cases. You also need to determine the best way to introduce MFA to your customer base and decide if that means requiring it or making it optional.
High profile breaches continue to make headlines weekly. Many of these breaches involve the use of compromised privileged credentials. Only a small percentage of cyber security professionals believe that user name and password-based security remains an adequate form of protection.
Learn the essentials of passwordless authentication and considerations for enterprise deployment.
Before public cloud services, large-scale computing infrastructure was expensive, hosted on-premises, and reserved for big enterprises, governments, and universities. Now, anyone with a credit card can access an unlimited supply of cloud apps and computing power. While cloud computing offers many benefits, its accessibility has also made identity attacks targeting passwords much more popular.
Infrastructure resources are some of the most sensitive and valuable assets across your network. Whether in the cloud or on-prem, controlling access to servers and databases is a top priority for IT and Security departments. While traditional methods are laser-focused on “protecting the keys”, admin credential breaches continue to slam organizations.
In this Ebook, we’ll explore those traditional programs and identify the areas where they fall short. We’ll discuss what it takes to create a VRM program that’s ready and able to stand up to the current state of affairs.
For more details on the Wave evaluation, please download the complimentary copy of the report.
This new Gartner® report is the first critical capabilities research written exclusively for the Vendor Risk Management (VRM) market.
This paper will help you find it. To know where to go next, you must begin by understanding where you are now. By locating yourself on ProcessUnity’s Third-Party Risk Maturity Scale–Informal, Reactive, Proactive, or Optimized–you gain important insight into your current risks, and viable opportunities for mitigating them.
Cyber risk can come from anywhere, including third and fourth party vendors. These partners can be the weakest security link for an organization if security controls haven’t been properly assessed.
Organizations worldwide struggle to implement detailed regulatory requirements for maturing privacy laws (e.g., from the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] or California’s Consumer Privacy Act to pending bills that are expected in India and Brazil).