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When:    June 5 | 2018       Attend

In today’s world, implementing an effective GRC program is critical for every organization striving to secure the enterprise in an era of increasingly frequent and complex cyber threats. However, getting budget approval, organization buy-in and executing on a successful implementation can be daunting tasks to take on.


Recorded:    April 24 | 2018       Attend

The GDPR is the most significant change in data privacy regulation in more than 20 years. It comes into force on 25 May 2018 and will impact all businesses that process personal data or businesses that process personal data of EU citizens even if they are not in the EU. Obligations for compliance will affect both controller and processors and regulators will get increased enforcement powers and the right to impose fines of up to 4% of global turnover for both data breaches and infringements of the law.


Recorded:    March 22 | 2018       Attend

Effective risk management is critical for every organization, especially in the current era of increasingly frequent and complex cyber threats. Organizations with the ability to detect changes across global IT environments in real time can better prevent and respond to malicious acts such as ransomware/malware attacks and configuration tampering.


Recorded:    January 30 | 2017       Attend

The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rule looms and will take affect in May 2018, but only a third of companies are on track to be compliant by the due date. GDPR is the most significant change in data privacy regulation in more than 20 years. It represents an extraordinary shift in the way businesses will be expected to operate when they gather, process, maintain, and protect customer data. Any organization that retains information of EU citizens must be in compliance or face huge fines of up to 4% of worldwide turnover.


Recorded:    December 12 | 2017       Attend

The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rule looms and will take affect in May 2018, but only a third of companies are on track to be compliant by the due date. GDPR is the most significant change in data privacy regulation in more than 20 years. It represents an extraordinary shift in the way businesses will be expected to operate when they gather, process, maintain, and protect customer data. Any organization that retains information of EU citizens must be in compliance or face huge fines of up to 4% of worldwide turnover.


Recorded:    November 16 | 2017       Attend

Digitization has become deeply embedded in enterprise strategy, as nearly all businesses and activities have been slated for digital transformations. The significant advantages of digitization, with respect to customer experience, revenue, and cost, have become increasingly compelling, and we are starting to see digital transformations in risk create real business value by improving efficiency and the quality of risk decisions.


Recorded:    October 25 | 2017       Attend

As the number of internet-connected devices skyrockets into the billions, a data security strategy is an increasingly important part of any organization’s ability to manage and protect critical information. Enterprises are migrating to the cloud in droves, however, protecting data in the cloud remains a challenge as employees push to access cloud apps from any device, anywhere. In the last year alone, 1 in 3 organizations were hacked more than 5 times, and with the increased number of attacks the financial cost of security incidents is also rising.


When:    August 29 | 2017       Attend

Over 90% of the world’s data has been generated in the last few years. Accompanying this rapid growth in data comes exponential risks, as witnessed by the spike in cyber attacks of which no organization seems immune. The financial rewards gained by the perpetuators of cyber attacks is blatant, and this is driving continued attacks on companies containing massive amounts of consumer data. For these companies securing data is only half the battle. The risks can be greater when data is transmitted externally, hence it is critical that organizations know where sensitive data is going, how it is being transmitted, and how it is being handled and stored.


Recorded:    August 8 | 2017       Attend

Today’s IT risk environment is more threatened than ever thanks to the growth in sophisticated cyber attacks and security vulnerabilities. Now, complex, hard-to-detect attacks could bring down not just a single institution but also large parts of the internet and the financial markets. Organizations need an intelligent approach when it comes to assessing IT risk and managing compliance.


Recorded:    June 27 | 2017       Attend

In today’s threat landscape, traditional approaches to securing data are falling short. Since 2015 we have seen some of the largest data breaches ever and it is clear that no industry or organization is immune from cyber attacks. The threat landscape is increasingly dangerous, while new technologies are distributing sensitive data farther across locations, devices and repositories. Starting in May 2018, enforcement will kick in on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a move that could have a stronger privacy/security standardization effect than any technological effort has to date. Globalization efforts will make GDPR compliance essential for global companies wherever they are located.


Recorded:    May 23 | 2017       Attend

The challenges that organizations face today are increasingly more complex than in the past. The constant change of the global economy, dynamics of business risks and opportunities, and an increased threat of cyberattacks add complexities we’ve never faced. As organizations rely on more and more third parties to grow and thrive, they’re exposed to higher levels of risk, and regulators are focused on the need for organizations to manage 3rd party risk more effectively.


Recorded:    April 4 | 2017       Attend

Data security and the challenge of data protection is increasing in scope and difficulty. The massive volume of data that businesses are collecting is growing exponentially, and managing compliance delivery is a daunting task with huge negative consequences for getting it wrong. While organizations have long needed to safeguard intellectual property and confidential information, changes in information technology and business models introduce new threats, and new regulations. Governments and industry bodies are imposing new regulations to motivate organizations to protect the privacy and confidentiality of information. Responsibilities can vary widely by region and by industry, and staying on top of an ever-shifting regulatory landscape is complex and challenging, but it isn't impossible.


Recorded:    Feb. 28 | 2017       Attend

In today’s digital landscape, it’s much easier for criminals to access sensitive payment card data, not only gaining direct access to a consumer’s available funds, but also their personal identity. With cyber attacks becoming much more advanced, the PCI DSS standard has been forced to adapt to address these new threats.


Recorded:    January 24 | 2017       Attend

Growing exposure to IT risks has made organizations across industries volatile. Recent IT vendor incidents like data and security beaches, violation of privacy guidelines, which caused substantial fines, penalties, brand value, highlight that IT vendor risks are business risks and require focus from the leadership.


Recorded:    November 17 | 2016       Attend

Organizations are suffering from volatility across all risk types, and in every organization, there are a multitude of applications and devices with threats and vulnerabilities. Every process, function and system has certain risks and compliance requirements, and senior management are being pressured to improve enterprise risk management capabilities.


Recorded:    October 18th | 2016       Attend

After multiple newsworthy data breaches in recent times, IT security and privacy governance has gained importance across the globe. Most organizations have established security and compliance policies and procedures to protect their intellectual property and corporate assets, especially in the IT space.


Recorded:    Sept 21 | 2016       Attend

Over recent years, several organizations have suffered damaging data breaches where sensitive data was stolen. Alarmingly, things seem to be getting worse, and the results can be devastating. With the expanding threat landscape and the rise of the data-centric enterprise, companies must have parallel development of their security architecture to protect their sensitive data. But in the time it's taken for data security to catch up with the changing environment, organizations have found their compliance and data protection programs vulnerable.


Recorded:    August 25 | 2016       Attend

Cybersecurity has jumped to the top of companies’ risk agenda after a number of high profile data breaches, and other hacks. In an increasingly digitized world, where data resides in the cloud, on mobiles and Internet of Things enabling multitude of connected devices, the threat vectors are multiplying, threatening the firms’ operations and future financial stability.


Recorded:    August 9 | 2016       Attend

The Internet of Things (IoT) is here to stay, and Gartner predicts there will be over 26 billion connected devices by 2020. This is driving an explosion of data which offers tremendous opportunity for organizations to gain business value, and Hadoop has emerged as the key component to make sense of the data and realize the maximum value. On the flip side, the surge of new devices has increased the potential for hackers to wreak havoc, and Hadoop has been described as the biggest cybercrime bait ever created.


When:    June 22 | 2016       

The face of the threat landscape is becoming increasingly sophisticated and highly targeted. Advanced threats are succeeding in their effort to gain access to payment data of target organizations. CISOs, CXOs, and other executives need to become knowledgeable about the potential impacts of targeted attacks and advanced persistent threats. They need to become actively engaged in developing and implementing effective protective strategies.


Recorded:    May 24 | 2016      

There is a substantial cost associated with reaching and maintaining PCI DSS compliance requirements, but the cost of non-compliance is often much greater. While the initial cost of the technology, staff and other resources necessary to implement satisfactory controls has its price tag, it is vital that all organizations affected by the PCI standard consider both the short and long-term costs of non-compliance as well as the benefits to meeting the requirements.

Live Webinar!

Recorded:    April 12 | 2016      

In a landscape filled with new threats and regulations managing the risks of 3rd party vendors is vitally important. Most financial institutions have tens of thousands of supplier relationships, and many data breaches originate through IT Vendors within the supply chain. Compounding this dilemma, regulators including OIG, OCC, FFIEC and others are increasing their focus on potential 3rd party risks. They want to see organizations proactively identifying potential risks, verifying that business partners providers and their employees are compliant, monitoring for changes that might create new risks or compliance gaps, and managing the investigation and remediation of incidents.

Live Webcast!

Recorded:    March 22 | 2016     

Under the rules of PCI DSS v3.1, SSL and early versions of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol are no longer considered acceptable for payment data protection due to "inherent weaknesses" within the protocol. Organizations who process payments must migrate to TLS 1.1 encryption or higher by June 2018. Prior to this date, existing implementations using SSL and/or early TLS must have a formal risk mitigation and migration plan in place. Moreover, details have just been released on the upcoming PCI DSS 3.2.


Recorded:    February 24 | 2016       

In every organization, there are a multitude of applications and devices and a universe of threats and vulnerabilities. Every process, function and system has certain risks and compliance requirements. It is no longer enough to have a handful of diligent security and compliance professionals managing the organization's risk strategies and controls. Their processes must embrace business and mission professionals' knowledge of risk, who evaluate the causal impact of threats to their operational performance, and participate in decision-making to meet their risk posture goals.






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